Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.
1 Chronicles 16:23
Worship The Lord
The TAAG Worship Arts team has one goal – leading others in wholehearted worship of God. We offer our gifts with a standard excellence, while encouraging and equipping others called to worship arts ministry.
Vocal Music Team
TAAG Worship Arts is always looking for vocalists to help lead our congregation in song and into the very presence of God. Singers must be 18 years or older, have experience singing in a mixed ensemble, and have the ability to sing harmony by ear. Acceptance onto the TAAG worship team is dependent on an interview and casual audition with the worship leader.
Worship Band
Instrumentalists are at the core of the TAAG Church worship team. Each band member must be 18 years or older, is responsible for learning music outside of Sunday morning warmup, and must be able to read and play music on a high school level. All instrumentalists must be available to play once per month. Acceptance will be determined after an interview and casual interview with the worship leader.
Technical Ministry
The TAAG Technical Ministry department is responsible for creating a Christ centered, distraction-free worship environment through audio, video, and lighting. All technical personnel must be 18 years or older, are required to attend Sunday morning warmup, and must have a basic working knowledge of computers and software. Audio techs must be familiar with digital mixing consoles and basic recording software.